knowledge product中文什么意思

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  1. Value formation and monopoly price of knowledge products
  2. During this time , i haven ' t have any regular technical trainnings , therefore when i meet the customers , i am short of the lack of knowledge products , for example , the equipments we need and so on , these makes me feel difficult to operate
  3. Knowledge management system is a complicated systems engineering , requiring the combination of human and technology . it involves a wide range of things , such as the establishment of knowledge base , redesign of organizing structure , operation of knowledge products etc .
  4. In view of the permanent development of our country " s foreign trade , it should be the long - term goal to develop the production of knowledge product and the competition advantages of foreign trade based on the production of high - grade labor - intensive products , with the gradual transfer of the leading position in the foreign trade from the industry with traditional comparative advantages to the industry with competition advantages , realizing the strategic adjustments of our country ' s export mix , bring along the overall and continual development of our country " s foreign trade and economy
  5. Second , the author analyses the production characteristics of guotaijunan research and consulting company and indicates that there are three typical products : knowledge product , information product and service product . the particular cost structure , experienced product and the demanding side economic require the guotaijunan research and consulting company to establish a typical marketing strategy


  1. knowledge points 什么意思
  2. knowledge pooling 什么意思
  3. knowledge presentation technique 什么意思
  4. knowledge process outsourcing 什么意思
  5. knowledge processing 什么意思
  6. knowledge production 什么意思
  7. knowledge profession 什么意思
  8. knowledge professional 什么意思
  9. knowledge programming language 什么意思
  10. knowledge property 什么意思



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